Weekdays from 6:00am to 6:00pm at Project Fortius starting Jan 15, 2018
Sundays from 8:00am to 10:00am at Project Fortius starting Jan 28, 2018
Saturdays from 8:00am to 10:00am at Project Fortius starting Jan 27, 2018
Fortius Fitness 1 visit free From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
A gym-based general strength & conditioning class designed for busy people with limited time who still want a solid workout. We perform a variety of movements appropriate for any skill and fitness level - from beginners to experienced athletes.
Fortius Performance Purchase required to enroll
A focused and progressive strength & conditioning class designed for driven individuals who want to take their training to the next level. A high level of commitment is expected in both time and energy. Basic proficiency with barbell movements is a prerequisite. You are expected to track your progress through a training journal of your choice.
Open Gym 1 visit free $250 Purchase required to enroll
Uncoached gym sessions where you have access to equipment and can execute programming of your choice. Project Fortius Team Feeds such as Fortius Fitness, Fortius Performance, Fortius Olympic Weightlifting are included. You can perform other programming, including custom programming during these hours. Limited to Open Gym hours.
Fortius S&C 1 visit free From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
Fortius S&C - Holiday Edition $45 per class From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
Coached Open Gym + Aerobic Day 1 visit free $250 Purchase required to enroll
Coached Open Gym $250 Purchase required to enroll
Personal Training Starting at $204.75 per appointment From $205 per visit with Personal Training - Single Session pass Purchase required to enroll
You can schedule sessions with Coach Andy directly through Pike13. Please contact Coach Mike via email ( to schedule personal training appointments with him.