Weekdays from 6:00am to 6:00pm at Project Fortius starting Jan 15, 2018
Sundays from 8:00am to 10:00am at Project Fortius starting Jan 28, 2018
Saturdays from 8:00am to 10:00am at Project Fortius starting Jan 27, 2018
Fortius S&C 1 visit free From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
Open Gym 1 visit free Plans available from $189 Purchase required to enroll
Fortius Fitness 1 visit free From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
Fortius Performance Purchase required to enroll
Fortius S&C - Holiday Edition $45 per class From $45 per visit with Fortius S&C pass Purchase required to enroll
Coached Open Gym + Aerobic Day 1 visit free Plans available from $189 Purchase required to enroll
Coached Open Gym Plans available from $189 Purchase required to enroll
Personal Training Starting at $204.75 per appointment From $205 per visit with Personal Training - Single Session pass Purchase required to enroll
Personal Training - 30 min Starting at $115 per appointment Purchase required to enroll
Personal Training - Off Site $300 per appointment Purchase required to enroll
Consultation Free